Secret Of One Of The Most Mysterious Places, Bermuda Triangle, Resolved Finally? - Bakchod FUN | Viral News


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Saturday, 22 October 2016

Secret Of One Of The Most Mysterious Places, Bermuda Triangle, Resolved Finally?


The Bermuda Triangle is also known as Devil’s Triangle and it is that area of ocean which is bordered by Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. This name was given to the area in 1950 by Edward Van Winkle Jones, a journalist who wrote about the large number of aircrafts and ships which vanished in the region, in a story written for the Associated Press.
The mysterious happenings gave rise to the speculations of paranormal activity or presence of extraterrestrial beings in the region.
However, if the documented evidence is taken into consideration, major number of incidents were false, inaccurately reported and blown up by the writers.
But now it seems as if the scientists have found out the real reason behind all these mysterious happenings! As per new theory, the hexagonal shaped clouds are the reason behind whatever is happening in the Bermuda Triangle.

The meteorologists on the Science Channel’s “What on Earth?” said that with the help of radar satellite imagery, they have discovered weird hexagonal shaped clouds that have a width of 20-50 miles, formed over dodgy patch of water.
Dr. Randy Cerveny, the meteorologist, said, “The satellite imagery is really bizarre with the hexagonal shapes of the cloud formations. These types of hexagonal shapes in the ocean are in essence air bombs. They’re formed by what is called microbursts and they’re blasts of air.”
These air blasts are very powerful; in fact with the force of 170 mph, these blasts can easily sink ships and bring down the planes too.
Do let us know your views in this connection in the comments section below.


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